#! /bin/bash TEMPFILE=/tmp/screenlets.running.${USER}.tmp if [ "${1}" = "stop" ]; then #Wrtie all curently running screnlets to temp file excluding screenlets deamon and manager ps aux | grep ${USER} | grep python | grep screenlets | sed '/screenlets-daemon.py/d; /screenlets-manager.py/d' | \ awk '{printf $2","; n=10;while(++n ${TEMPFILE} #Read all file lines and close all running screenlets echo "I'm closing all running screenlets" while read line do PID=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $1}') kill -9 $PID done < ${TEMPFILE} elif [ "${1}" = "start" ]; then #Check if the temporary file exists if (test -r ${TEMPFILE}) then #Read the temporary file and lunch screenlets using their lunching cammand echo "Starting screelets using a temporary list file" while read line do COMMAND=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $2}') $COMMAND &> /dev/null & sleep 10 done < ${TEMPFILE} #Removing the temporary file rm ${TEMPFILE} else echo "Seems there is no temp file or you have no rights to access it" fi else echo "Usage ./screnlets-restart.sh start | stop" fi